Estate Grounds
Grounds walking permits
The grounds are open for walks all year round, unless advertised otherwise for private corporate event and ticketed public events. Access to walk within Gosford Policies requires a day permit or annual permit.
Permits can be obtained from the Wemyss and March estate office (01875 870201 | open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm) and the Gosford Bothy Farm shop (01875 871234 | open Tuesday to Saturday 9am to 5pm).
Access for grounds visitors is via the car park near the Bothy shop outside of Aberlady, There is no access via the main gate on the coast road.
For information on annual walking permits for the grounds, please e-mail
Alternatively, call 01875 870201 during office hours Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm – debit cards accepted for permit purchases from the estate office.
For further information on public open days and private tours please email
Grounds Policies
Gosford House, the policies, gardens and grounds are private. We appreciate your co-operation with adhering to the requests below.
Dogs must be on a lead or under close control at all times.
Bikes are not allowed around the Gosford Policies or Grounds.
Gosford House, the stables and all the houses within the Gosford Policies are occupied. Please respect the privacy of those living and working on the estate by keeping a respectful distance away and not accessing the enclosed gardens or terraces.
If you should see anything untoward please report this to the estate office during the week or inform the staff in the Gosford Bothy Farm Shop at weekends.
Scottish Outdoor Access Code
Follow the Scottish Outdoor Access Code to ensure that everyone, including our fantastic Scottish Wildlife, can fully embrace the beauty of the great outdoors.
Outdoor Access Scotland has thoughtfully crafted this access code as a helpful guide to clarify access rights and responsibilities for all.
Here are some key points to keep in mind:
- Take Personal Responsibility: Prioritize your safety, be vigilant about potential hazards, and exercise extra caution when with children.
- Respect Others: Always be mindful not to disturb or alarm fellow outdoor enthusiasts. Avoid actions that could disturb or cause discomfort, especially during nighttime outings. Show consideration for the privacy of those who live and work in the area, maintaining a respectful distance from all dwellings, including Gosford House.
- Support Land Management: To ensure everyone’s safety, stay clear of land management activities such as harvesting or tree-felling. Avoid interfering with lawn-mowing operations and other land management tasks. Be mindful not to damage crops when walking through fields, and leave gates as you found them.
- Caring for Nature: Preserve the natural environment by not disturbing wildlife. Take your litter with you, leaving only footprints and taking memories with you.
- Control Your Dog: If you have a furry companion, keep them under proper control, especially when near livestock or during the bird breeding season. Always clean up after your dog and dispose of waste in the provided bins. Pay special attention to estate signage concerning dog control during lambing and ground-nesting bird breeding seasons.
By adhering to these guidelines, you’ll contribute to a friendlier and more enjoyable outdoor experience for all.